Unique New York

Just like a regular woman, only crankier.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


So, as stated previously, the in-laws came down to see the great state of Oklahoma. It was quite the whirlwind meeting. I showed up earlier in the afternoon, after driving down to Virginia to drop off my dogs. Later that day, I drove up with my little brother to collect them from the airport. They had met my dad the night before, and all had gone well (if you exclude the fact that my future brother in law got food poisoning almost didn't make it to the plane). The trip was full of food.
We started off with dinner that evening at Charleston's. The next morning, I picked them up and took them to Jimmy's Egg for breakfast (I love grits, and they are hard to come by up here). Then, the boys and girls split up, with me taking my future mother in law and my mom to a bridal gown fitting, and my brother driving my fiance, his dad, and brother to Bass Pro Shops downtown. Apparently, they handled guns and played around for the two hours. After the bridal fitting (which was awesome-I lost weight and I can actually breathe in my gown), I drove mom and mom2 to Pearl's Lakeside to talk to the manager regarding reserving the place for rehearsal dinner. That all went well.

Then, I drove the Tuckers down to meet my biological father, stepmom and my paternal grandmother (the indians) at Earl's. Besides my father invoking Jesus Christ to my Jewish in-laws, it went just fine. Then we went to the the Murrah building memorial site. I had been there multiple times, but I had never been inside the museum. Russ's dad sprang for the entrance fees, and we spent two hours walking along the bombing timeline. It was wild. I had forgotten so much, and the museum was so well laid out. If my in-laws and I had nothing else in common, it was the fact that we had both experienced terrorism. The exhibit was moving, and reminded me about the fact that I had lost my neighbor in that almost 11 years ago. I know it's trite, but time does fly.

Next, I drove downtown to the Petroleum club, where the reception will be, to show them the grounds. It happened to be Deer Creek's prom night, (where my youngest brother goes to school), which he did not attend. However, the Tuckers seemed to be very impressed, as was my fiance. He was awestruck at the view. It was neat to get a sneak peek at the facility, and envision what it wil be like to dance my first dance with my future husband.

Anyway, we capped off the weekend with a dinner at Yamamoto's. Besides the noxious gas that we got from the meal, the dinner was great. Everyone was getting along swimmingly, and I couldn't have been more relieved. It was strange to realize that I had absolutely nothing to worry about. It was strange too because it's one thing to spend a dinner meeting each other, but a whole weekend is quite another thing. In any case, the news on the homefront is that Love-Fest 2006 continues, and will reach a fever pitch August 26, 2006.